What to write in your blog?

What to write in your blog?

"What should you write in your blog? Who are you to even write anything?"

I used to think “who am I to write stuffs”? I am not that good at anything. I know programming, but really only the basics compared to others legends out there. I mean, all I can really do is Google a bunch of how-to’s and put stuffs together. Anyone can do that right? Right???

Then, I came across this quote from somewhere...

What is obvious to you may not be obvious to others.

I am sure this mean something else in its original context. But I will apply it here anyway.

You see, the things you know may feel like very basic, very easy things for you, but that is because you already know it.

Know one really know everything

I still need to Google and read a brunch of tutorials and documents to put this blog together. But I am able to do so with ease because I know basic networking, basic Linux commands, basic macOS commands, basic web development, and basic design theory. These are all basic knowledge. Yet, they are basic of many broad topics and not many know all these basics all in one person.

Additional value are created, even by simply combining existing things together

What would you do if I were to ask you; go build a car from scratch. You cannot use any existing parts. You need to invent everything on your own.

Would you be able to do it? Maybe you will. But that will at least take a very long time.

Our entire infrastructures are all build by combining existing technology and concepts together to create better things. So, don’t feel bad if you can only put this and that from someone else post together (as long as you are not straight up copy or plagiarize of course). After all, everyone does that.

Just write...

As with anything, it takes time to get good. You may not know your style at first. In fact, I am just writing a bunch of posts right now. Some of which are not even remotely related. Eventually though, you will find what you really enjoy writing. Eventually, the blog will build and play itself out. So, just take the first step and write! Create something great!

If you are interested in making building your own blog, I made a tutorial on how to launch your own blog right here. Feel free to check that out. Medium is also a good platform if you just want to write and start writing right away. Either way, have fun and enjoy!

Written by Romson Preechawit

Hi there! I'm a typical geek, designer, developer. Love coding, design, photography, reading, and a lot more. English is not my first language so please help correct my grammar! :)

Romson Preechawit